Harvey Saks III Welcome to My World


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Harvey Saks III Welcome to My World


Day Three

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October 5th, Tuesday

Stepping on to the beach, getting our bearings and land legs we waited for the remaining canoes to deposit the rest of our group on to the shore.  While waiting the rocks were explored, river worn they were smooth to the touch, beautiful in shape, all fitting together in one large puzzle.

Packs on back we headed single file to our compound.  My eyes traveled everywhere as I took in the trail ahead, the vegetation all around, and small animal and insect life. 

Along the way we were told about the local rivers being informed of were it was safe to swim and being told to stay on guard taking responsibility for our actions and awareness.  It was a well made trail and at the time I did not appreciate how easy it was to traverse.  When we saw the bamboo hut with 2 power boat motors sitting out in what looked like a work area I realized we had come to a place mixing the world of the north and south together, mixing the ways of ancestors with those of the industrial world.

I was surprised at how modern our housing turned out to be.  It was as if I entered the World of Disney.  Comfortable beds, bathrooms, running water, and curtains on the glassless windows.  The sounds of birds, frogs, and local pets coming and going through the day and night.  We rested for a while greeting each other and meeting Don Thomas one of the Shaman we would have the opportunity to work with.  Sticks on the side of our hut were put in place to hold our boots.  Our boots in this manner not only let any water collected ease out, but it also helped prevent anything from crawling in and surprising us the next time we put them on.

Traveling all day I decided to take a swim in one of the local rivers.  Following along others who have already spent time in the area we came to a bridge suspended over the river.  Of course our entry into the river required we cross the bridge.  Having some healthy adverse to heights, my heart in my throat I crossed carefully watching each step, ready to throw myself to down in case I started to loose my balance.  By the time I left the jungle I no longer feared this bridge as the log we had to walk over a few days latter made it look easy.

The currents of the river made it bubble and sent us floating along it's natural course.  It was cool and clean bringing backs thoughts of childhood as we played and washed in it.  The heat of the jungle quickly dried us as we returned back to our compound clean and refreshed, ready for the next adventure of the day.



Forming back at the compound we began a short journey to a local mission.  It seems the mission acted as an orphanage to local children left without family.  The mission father an aging man adopting many of the ways of the Shuar spoke to us of his work and the children he watched over.  The mission church used for services was a mixture of catholic and Shuar tradition.  A framed picture telling the Shuar story of creation.

On our way back from the mission one of our group had the first accident of note.  Sliding on a rock we heard the thump and realized something was wrong.  Dislocating his shoulder he was lucky that the injury was not more serious and that we had an MD trained in both western and Shuar healing.  Once back at the compound his injury was treated with Datori a healing substance and strong hallucinogen.  Not a bad way to heal, within a day his arm was mobile and relatively free of pain.

That night as darkness drew upon us, I joined a small party for some skinny dipping along the river not requiring the walk over the bridge.  Settling into the cool water I began to sing old songs as a local bullfrog kept the beat for me.  I think I made a friend that night as we sang and spoke, the bullfrog and I.


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